Water Parameters
Quick Summary
Our Temperature - Room
Our TDS - 150
GH KH and PH - 4/0/6-6.5
Caridina Shrimp are sensitive to water quality and require specific parameters for optimal health:
Temperature: Ideal temperature ranges from 68°F to 76°F. Aim for consistency to avoid stress. Our tanks are at room temperature and can at times go down to mid sixties with no issues
pH: Slightly acidic, ideally between 5.5 and 6.5. I do not check this often but if PH is consistently high it's a sign the substrate may need to change.
General Hardness (GH): Our tanks are at 4 GH but the best range is 4-6 dGH. I never check this.
Carbonate Hardness (KH): Our tanks are 0 dKH but can tolerate 0-2 dKH.
TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): Best between 100-200 ppm. When we remineralize our R/O with SL-Aqua Black MORE GH Conditioner for Bee Shrimp we build it to 150 ppm. This is the main parameter we use to monitor caridina tanks.
Ammonia and Nitrites: 0 ppm (toxic to shrimp).
Nitrates: Below 20 ppm; regular water changes help control nitrate levels.
Tank Setup
Quick Summary
Our Tank Size - 10 gallon
Our Substrate - ADA Amazonia
Our Filtration - Duel Sponge filter
Size: All our tanks for caridina shrimp are 10 gallon. A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended for better stability in water parameters.
Substrate: We've tried a lot but have had the most success with ADA Amazonia. Using an active substrate designed to lower and buffer pH, is a must in our opinion for success with caridina shrimp.
Filtration: A sponge filter is ideal as it provides gentle filtration and prevents shrimp from being sucked in. We use duel sponge filters.
Lighting: Moderate lighting supports plant growth and encourages biofilm development.
Aquatic Plants: Include low tech plants to provide hiding spots and surfaces for biofilm growth.
Hiding Places: Add driftwood and shrimp caves to offer security and encourage natural behaviors.
Tank Maintenance
Water Changes: Replace 10%-20% of the water weekly using remineralized reverse osmosis (RO) water.
Cleaning: Avoid disturbing the substrate too much; let natural processes handle waste breakdown.
Monitoring: Test water parameters, mainly TDS, regularly and observe shrimp for signs of stress or illness.
Caridina Diet
Caridina are omnivores and thrive on a varied diet:
Staples: High-quality shrimp-specific pellets or granules.
Natural Foods: Algae, biofilm, and decaying plant matter in the tank.
Supplements: Blanched vegetables (zucchini, spinach, or kale) and occasional protein sources like freeze-dried bloodworms.
Calcium: Essential for molting and shell health. Supplement with cuttlebone or specialized calcium additives if needed.
Feeding Tips: Feed sparingly to avoid overfeeding. Remove uneaten food within a few hours to maintain water quality.
How to Breed Caridina Shrimp
Maturity: Shrimp reach breeding age at about 4-6 months.
Female Behavior: Females carry eggs (berried) for about 30 days before releasing fully formed shrimplets.
Conditions: Stable water parameters and plenty of hiding spots encourage breeding.
Food for Shrimplets: Baby shrimp feed on biofilm and powdered shrimp food.
Caridina Tank Mates
Caridina are peaceful and best kept with:
Other dwarf shrimp species (avoid those that interbreed)
Small, non-aggressive fish such as Chili Rasboras or Neon Tetras.
Snails like Nerite or Mystery Snails. Avoid larger or aggressive fish that may prey on shrimp.
Common Issues with Caridina Shrimp
Molting Problems: Caused by inadequate calcium or poor water quality.
Disease: Quarantine new additions and avoid overstocking to prevent disease outbreaks.
Parameter Swings: Sudden changes in temperature, pH, or other parameters can be fatal.