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Typical Bloody Orange Shrimp for Sale

Bloody Orange Shrimp are truly stunning freshwater creatures that captivate aquarium enthusiasts. These tiny shrimp are often compared to the popular Pumpkin or sunkist shrimp.

Unlike the Sunkist and Pumpkin Shrimp, whose orange coloration is limited to their shells, Bloody Orange Shrimp have a deep, rich orange hue that permeates their entire flesh. This vibrant coloration is a key identifying characteristic of this variety.

Shorter Rostrum

Another distinguishing feature of Bloody Orange Shrimp is their shorter rostrum, or "beak". This subtle difference in body shape can help aquarists easily identify this unique shrimp species.

Bloody Orange Shrimp


20% Off All Neos

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  • GH - 8

    KH - 8

    TDS - 250

    Temperature - Room

    Neocaridina can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, in our case we can use Omaha NE tap water.

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