Cardinal Tetras
Imported mid December healthy and ready for new home.
Cardinal tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are small, vibrant freshwater fish native to the blackwater rivers of South America, particularly in the Orinoco and Rio Negro basins. They are well known for their striking coloration, featuring a bright iridescent blue stripe running from head to tail and a bold red stripe that extends along the lower half of their body. These peaceful, schooling fish grow to about 2 inches (5 cm) in length and thrive in soft, acidic water with dim lighting, mimicking their natural habitat. Cardinal tetras are popular in aquariums due to their stunning appearance and calm temperament, making them excellent companions for other non-aggressive species. They require stable water conditions, a varied diet of high-quality flakes and small live or frozen foods, and should be kept in groups of at least six to feel secure and display their natural schooling behavior.
Fish made it home. Good color. Buying and picking up was really easy. Would purchase again. Love being able to pre order!