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Video of Sakura Grade Cherry Shrimp

Sakura grade cherry shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) are a popular variety of freshwater aquarium shrimp known for their vibrant red coloration. These shrimp fall in the middle range of the cherry shrimp grading scale, offering a more intense red color than the basic cherry grade but not as opaque as the higher fire red grades. Sakura grade cherry shrimp display a deeper red hue compared to lower grades, with more extensive coloration covering their bodies. While not fully opaque, they exhibit noticeably less translucency than cherry grade shrimp. Their legs may show some blotchy coloration, though not as evenly colored as higher grades.These shrimp are relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. They thrive in planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots and do well in community aquariums with peaceful tank mates. Sakura cherry shrimp typically grow to about 1 inch in length and prefer water temperatures between 60-78°F with a pH range of 6.5-8.0.Sakura grade cherry shrimp are excellent algae eaters and help maintain tank cleanliness. They breed readily in captivity, allowing aquarists to establish thriving colonies. When purchasing these shrimp, they are often sold as young adults around 1/2 to 3/4 inch in length, ready for breeding.

Red Cherry Shrimp Sakura Grade


20% Off All Neos

Imported on 8/22/24 and being quarantined to ensure quality. Ships or available for pickup September 14th.
  • GH - 8

    KH - 8

    TDS - 250

    Temperature - Room

    Neocaridina can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, in our case we can use Omaha NE tap water.

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