Red Neon Rainbowfish
The Red Neon Rainbowfish, scientifically known as Pseudomugil luminatus, is a captivating freshwater fish that has gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts due to its vibrant colors and peaceful nature. This species is native to the freshwater streams and swamp habitats of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, where it thrives in well-oxygenated waters rich in vegetation.
Physical Characteristics
The Red Neon Rainbowfish is characterized by its slender, elongated body that typically reaches a maximum length of about 1.5 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm). Its base coloration is a shimmering iridescent silver, which serves as a stunning backdrop for its striking markings. The fish displays vivid red hues that may appear as horizontal stripes or bands along its body, contributing to its "neon" appearance. Additionally, these fish feature distinctive blue rings around their eyes and a horizontal blue stripe along their backs, enhancing their visual appeal.One of the most notable features of the Red Neon Rainbowfish is its forked caudal fin, which adds elegance to its overall appearance. The dorsal and anal fins are also elongated and brightly colored, further accentuating this fish's beauty.
Behavior and Habitat
Red Neon Rainbowfish are social creatures that thrive in groups, making them ideal for community tanks. They exhibit playful behavior and are known for their active swimming patterns. To replicate their natural habitat in an aquarium, it is essential to provide a densely planted environment with plenty of swimming space and floating plants to diffuse light. This setup not only mimics their natural conditions but also enhances their coloration.These fish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 and temperatures between 64°F to 79°F (17°C to 26°C). They are generally hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
As omnivores, Red Neon Rainbowfish require a varied diet that includes high-quality flake or pellet food, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia. Due to their small mouths, it's crucial to provide appropriately sized food items.
In terms of breeding, Red Neon Rainbowfish are egg depositors. They spawn on moss or similar substrates in well-planted tanks. The fry hatch after about six to seven days and require small food items for optimal growth.
With their stunning colors, peaceful temperament, and active nature, the Red Neon Rainbowfish is a true gem in the aquarium hobby. They not only add vibrant beauty to any aquatic display but also offer an engaging experience for fish keepers who enjoy observing their lively behavior in a well-maintained community tank.
I keep all Rainbows in Reverse Osmosis water reminalized to GH 6 and KH 2. This is mainly for the plants i keep in the tank and have kept Rainbows in tap water as well. Omaha tap water is very hard so they can be kept in a wide variety of parameters.