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Example of Snow Zebra Sulawesi for sale

The snow zebra shrimp, scientifically known as Caridina babaulti, is native to the Sulawesi island in Indonesia.

 It is a dwarf shrimp species that typically grows to around 4cm in length.

 The shrimp has a striking white and black striped pattern, giving it the "zebra" appearance.


Still very rare in the United States, this shrimp is now primarily bred in captivity, particularly in Taiwan, where they are raised in Neocaridina ponds.




Snow Zebra Sulawesi Shrimp


50% OFF

  • GH - 7

    KH - 5

    TDS - 150-200

    Temperature - 75-82

    Have been told these can live in Neo parameters, in our case we use tap water for neos, so I have not tried to keep them in neo parameters.

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