What makes Aqua Atomic Different?
Hello, my name is Jeremy. My full-time job is a UX and Web Designer for a national company based out of Omaha. In my spare time I manage a fish room of close to 50 fish tanks. I only focus on freshwater. Specializing in shrimp, plants, plecos and rainbow fish.
Importing aquatics
What's the difference between imported and homebred shrimp and fish?
Imported aquatics get a bad reputation, in part because of the middle man. Imports are typically sourced from overseas, often from countries with established shrimp farming industries like Thailand, India, Vietnam, or Indonesia. The shrimp may be wild-caught or farmed in those regions. Many online and local fish stores sell imports directly to you, meaning these critters are traveling from overseas to, in many cases, California, to you. As you can imagine, the long journey can be stressful and at times deadly.
Luckily Aqua Atomic, this isn't my main source of income. I do not have to flip product fast to pay for a brick and mortar store. And with this being a secondary job, I don't have to charge as much as an online store where fish are their primary source of income.
Imports at Aqua Atomic
I quarantine anything I import for a minimum of 3 weeks. Neocaridina shrimp typically come from an outdoor farm and they take a while to adjust. On average I lose 25-40% of Neocaridina. Nearly all deaths happen in the first 14 days.
Fish are hit and miss but as a precaution I treat all fish with medicated flakes and at time Paraguard for safe measure.
Why quarantine so long?
I've been burned so many times by local fish stores and online stores that sell sick fish. My goal to sell affordable and most importantly HEALTHY fish and shrimp.